Pelmets made to your dimensions and style.
Special offer!
get 20% off your cheapest
(when you order 2 or more)
*Discount does not apply to oversize pelmets those covered in veneer or customers own fabric.
Testimonials from past customers
Box Pelmets for curtains and blinds to go over your windows.
We make pelmets for your windows to your dimensions with optional rounded ends in six different styles. Then we deliver them to your door within the UK and Ireland.
Having been in the soft furnishing trade for over 30 years, I have always wanted to move away from the traditional square boxed end curtain pelmets to incorporate a curved end on the returns thus giving a more aesthetically pleasing and smoother shape to the pelmet. It doesn’t effect or hinder the bunching of the curtains when drawn back, as they never bunch into the corners anyway. The style and shape is a lot easier and pleasing on the eye
They are custom made to order in our UK factory using our proprietary technology and dispatched via carrier to your door.
Design your own pelmet
A large range of sizes and styles are available take a look and see.
We supply the pelmets for your own finish in your chosen colour*, or finished in interlining (bump) for you to cover in your own fabric. You can also have your pelmet supplied with a wood veneer.
* Please try your finish on a small area or a sample first, see guidance
We can now offer mirror finish pelmets in silver and gold mirror finish. You can see some example mirror pelmets in our gallery here and here.
If you have any questions please look at our guidance and frequently asked questions pages as they may well answer your questions.
20% off your second pelmet
Get 20% off your cheapest pelmet when you order two or more.
Changes to payment
We have added new payment options so you should be able to pay in three or pay later, subject to PayPals approval. Alternatively if you don't do PayPal you should just be able to pay by cards without them bothering you about a PayPal account.
Shipping to Ireland
We have just enabled shipping to Irish addresses, if you have any problems entering delivery addresses in Ireland please contact us.
Now available wider pelmets
We can now offer white and covered pelmets up to 3 metres wide, through this website.